Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings from 8,000 Years Ago Indicate Ancient Alien Contact

Shogo Canyon is located in Utah, USA, and for several millennia, Native Americans have painted it with rather strange images. The most ancient petroglyphs date back to 8…

Tall Alien Creature, Flickering Lights, and Super-Fast UFO: The California Alien Encounter

This story is stored in the archives of the MUFON network (the largest UFO organization in the United States) and took place in 2000 in the state of…

At the summit of a hill in Aguascalientes, a giant was spotted

The video of a supposed giant walking on top of a hill in Aguascalientes went viral on TikTok, from where it has generated great commotion among Internet users….

Sale of a Cozy Log Cabin

This charming log cabin is located in Nevada City, California. The log cabin is surrounded by lots of trees such as oaks, pines, and fir. The cabin also…

A “Miracle Of Life” is the picture of a boy with arms outstretched

God sent a wonderful message to parents through a newborn child. The image of a boy with outstretched arms is a “miracle of life.” The photo of the…

5 Stunning Photos of Moms Delivering Their Own Babies

Every childbirth is downright amazing – but these women took it up a notch by getting hands-on with their own deliveries. With the assistance of a doctor, doula…

‘I Gave Birth In The Front Seat Of My Car While Stuck In Traffic,’ says mum in her dramatic birth account

Lately, more and more moms are sharing on Tik Tok the unexpected way they gave birth to their babies. Deshai Fudd, from Atlanta, USA, is one of them,…

The Adorable Moment After Birth, When Moms See Their Newborns For The First Time, With Happiness In Tears

I adore birth photography because it results in beautiful images. I treasure each and every one of the beautiful memories I have related to the birth of my…

In The Car, Mom Gives Birth, And Dad Tells A Funny Story

If having to give birth in the middle of the road isn’t impressive enough, the way Australian Courtney Graham told the story made it even better. Check out!…

You will always be my baby, but for now you are my newborn

Being a mother is physically and emotionally exhausting in the first few months after your baby’s birth. However, there’s no denying that it comes with its own set…

Early labor for the mother results in twins who are born on various days, months, and years

A mom went into labor earlier than expected and ended up in the rarest of situations. She gave birth to twin girls on different days, months, and years…

The World’s Rarest Births Will Astound You

When you bring a baby into the world, you perform an amazing act that many people call a miracle. There are occasions when this term takes on a…