Author: T T

An archaeological investigation of a well-known shipwreck off the coast of Sweden has revealed a glimpse into life in the royal courts of 15th century Scandinavia, with the discovery of more than 3,000 plant specimens on board – including such exotic and exclusive spices as saffron, ginger, cloves, peppercorns, and almonds. Ginger from the Gribshunden shipwreck. The sinking of Gribshunden is a story that wouldn’t be out of place in a comedy show: the ship was meant to be the flagship of King Hans (John) of Denmark and Norway, bringing the monarch from Copenhagen, in Denmark, to a political summit in Kalmar,…

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Six children in three years and three months: this is the curious record that a young Australian couple set when, after having had three children literally one after the other, mum Chloé and dad Rohan learned that her fourth pregnancy was triplets. Like all pregnancies with more than one fetus, the ʀɪsᴋ of something going wrong increases, and this couple was faced with a very difficult choice: would they rather accept that their children were born prematurely for medical reasons, with all the ʀɪsᴋs? entails, or did they want to save two out of three and allow it to come…

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What does it take to be a single mother of six children? It’s possible that some individuals will say it’s impossible. This courageous Ukrainian woman, on the other hand, is the mother of a daughter and quintuplets born in 2016. Despite the difficulties of raising children on her own, she had to deal with a broken heart. A picture of their family idyll: mutual support and understanding, sincere love, and tenderness. Their first daughter Alisochka was happy when the prospect of a new sibling appeared on the horizon. The father already dreamt of how he would proudly lift his newborn…

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A study led by scientists at the American museum of natural history has resolved a long-standing controversy about an extinct “horned” crocodile that likely lived among humans in Madagascar. Based on ancient DNA, the research shows that the horned crocodile was closely related to “true” crocodiles, including the famous Nile crocodile, but on a separate branch of the crocodile family tree. The study, published today in the journal Communications Biology, contradicts the most recent scientific thinking about the horned crocodile’s evolutionary relationships and also suggests that the ancestor of modern crocodiles likely originated in Africa. “This crocodile was hiding out on…

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Popular choices for baby names that start with “A” include classics like Ashley and Adam, as well as more modern names like Ace and Adalyn. Looking for the perfect name for your baby? Names that start with “A” ensures your child is at the top of the list — alphabetically speaking, of course. Whether you are interested in classics like Ashley or Adam, or more modern names like Ace and Adalyn, baby names that start with “A” are plentiful. According to the Social Security Administration, there have been nine top baby names that start with “A” since 1922. Top names that begin…

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“Mikey knew in his heart all along this little brother of his was coming…it was just a matter of time.” For as long as he’s been able to talk, Mikey Marotta has had one persistent request — a baby brother. But, after years of fertility struggles followed by a miscarriage in early 2017, Mikey’s mother, Jessica Marotta, says she and her husband, Michael, thought 6-year-old Mikey’s wish would never come true. Jessica Marotta and her husband, Michael, thought their son would never get his baby brother. Then, they learned they were expecting a baby boy. Jessica Marotta “We had a heart-to-heart one night…

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Studies claim that the likelihood of producing triplets was previously 1 in 8,000, but during the past two decades, this seems to have altered. The use of IV.F. and assisted reproductive technologies has resulted in a large increase in multiple births. programs, particularly by 40% for triplets and nearly 50% for twins. The owner of the Instagram account is a mother of four and an identical triplet mama who also had IVF to conceive her triplet offspring. She had three sons, Rocco, Prince, and Otis, and an older daughter, Violet, by the time she was 40. The three boys, who…

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Raising children is a responsible and difficult task, and raising even one child can be a serious challenge, but there are parents who want a large family and even have 4-5 children. However, nowadays it is hard to imagine someone having even more children than this. However, this couple gave birth to 12 children in 12 years, and although they never planned it, they say their family couldn’t be more perfect. Courtney and Chris Rogers from New Mexico welcomed their 12th child in March 2022. Although they didn’t originally plan to have a big family, they don’t mind at all…

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A life-sized statue of Hercules has been found by construction workers during repairs to a sewerage system in Rome. Hercules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek hero Heracles, who in classical mythology was a legendary Hellenic chthonic hero. According to legend, Hercules was driven mad by Hera (queen of the gods) and slew his sons and his wife, Megara. Seeking penance, he entered into the service of King Eurystheus, who imposed upon Hercules the famous Labours, a series of 12 impossible feats. The Romans adapted the Greek hero’s iconography and myths for their literature and art, even inventing a…

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Sarah and Andy Justice tried for a long time to start a family. Life, on the other hand, seems to have different ideas. The Tulsa, Oklahoma couple tried everything. After three years of being unsuccessful, they decided to pursue adoption. Sarah and Andy were immediately paired with a birth mother, and when it came time for the lady to get an ultrasound, they accompanied her. The results of the ultrasound, however, astounded everyone, including the physicians, the birth mother, and the Justices. The woman was expecting triplets! Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth were born without incident a few months later. Then,…

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Axel Murray, currently 2 days old, couldn’t wait to start living. The baby boy was born on Saturday morning, in a hurry, two weeks before his due date and minutes before his mother could make it into the hospital. Roxanne Faithfull and her partner Andrew Murray rushed from their central Auckland apartment to the hospital as quickly as they could in the early hours of Saturday, after her water broke at 4 a.m. and the couple timed the contractions. “He was two weeks early. We hadn’t packed the car or had anything ready,” the new dad said, still in awe…

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Archaeologists from the Nara municipal buried cultural properties research center, working in collaboration with the Nara prefectural archaeological institute of kashihara, have uncovered a giant 2.3 meter-long koken sword during excavations at the tomiomaruyama burial mound in Nara city, japan. The Tomiomaruyama burial mound dates from the 4th century AD during the Kofun Period (AD 300 to 538), the earliest era of recorded history in Japan. The mound has a diameter of 86 meters and rises to a height of 10 meters, with previous excavations uncovering farming tools, utensils, cylindrical copperware, bronze ware, and several decorated mirrors with god-and-animal motifs.…

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After the birth of a first child, one of the most magical moments in parenting is when that little one meets their sibling. These first meetings can be rife with emotions and are worth capturing regardless of the reaction. These adorable shots perfectly capture kids’ mixed reactions to the arrival of a new baby. Tenderness and curiosity define this photo, captured by Amy of Beckling Photography. A big sister holds her new sibling, one hand cradling their head and the other resting on their chest. The newborn touches their older sister’s hands, and their faces turn towards her. They’re taking…

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British twins were ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ via I.V.F and were born when their mother was 22 weeks pregnant. After five months of hospitalization, a family in the UK was finally able to celebrate the going home of the country’s most premature twins, who were born at 22 weeks and five days. The siblings had a zero percent chance of surviving birth, according to medical statistics. Little Harley and Harry Crane, from Derby, were ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ via ɪɴ ᴠɪᴛʀᴏ ꜰᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ and were born about a week before the 24-week limit on which legal ᴀʙᴏʀᴛɪᴏɴs are allowed in Britain. Babies born at so few weeks…

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An Egypᴛian archaeological мission has discoʋered seʋeral Ƅurials conᴛaining мuммies with golden ᴛongues in the ancienᴛ necropolis of Quesna, an archaeological siᴛe Ƅelonging ᴛo the Goʋernoraᴛe of Menufia, north of Cairo. According to ᴛo a sᴛaᴛeмenᴛ issued by Dr. Mosᴛafa Waziri, secreᴛary general of Egypᴛ’s Supreмe Council of Anᴛiquiᴛies, archaeologisᴛs found poorly preserʋed golden plaques in the shape of huмan ᴛongues in the мouths of soмe of the digs during the currenᴛ excaʋaᴛion season. Ƅodies. In addition, they discoʋered thaᴛ soмe skeleᴛons and мuммies were Ƅound with gold on the Ƅone direcᴛly Ƅelow the linen wrappings. Iᴛ is not the…

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A grieving mother felt hopeless after her newborn son ᴘᴀssᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ. Her heart’s desire was to fall pregnant again – she had no idea that four miracles were coming! Lorraine Cusack and her spouse, Johnny Byrne, were excited parents-to-be. They tried to ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ for a year and were delighted when Lorraine tested positive. She had a problem-free pregnancy and couldn’t wait to meet her son, Dylan. The couple from Dublin, Ireland, had no reason to believe that tragedy was waiting around the corner. Their worst nightmare became a reality nine hours after they welcomed Dylan into the world. The little…

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Thirty-two-year-old Melanie Bassett from Great Britain has two wombs. She already had two children at home, born a few years apart, when she found out she was expecting again. The doctor told her that she was expecting triplets. She had identical twins in one womb, and a third baby was developing in the other. Both she and her husband come from large families. However, they themselves only thought about two offspring in the past. When they were told a few months after the birth of their son that they were expecting more children and how many there were, they were…

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British Emma Geairns, 34, has always dreamed of becoming a mother. But after a routine checkup when she was 25, she came to see motherhood as an almost impossible wish. During a gynecological procedure, her doctor warned her that her ᴄᴇʀᴠɪx and ᴜᴛᴇʀᴜs were positioned in a way that would make a natural pregnancy impossible. What she didn’t expect is that, nine years later, she would not only contradict what the doctor said, but she would give birth to three children in just one year. “At the time of the ᴅɪᴀɢɴᴏsɪs, I took a step forward and decided to focus…

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Love is said to have no age restrictions. However, because of the well-known “biological clock,” it is necessary to have one in order to have children. Even though she was an Indian woman, she had other ideals. She gave birth for the first time at the age of 70, after 54 years of marriage. They are among the earliest human couples to have produced children. It took place in Rajasthan, an Indian state. Gopichand, 75, and his wife Chandravati, 70, had long struggled to conceive but were unsuccessful. They spent years going to numerous hospitals and clinics, getting various therapies,…

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The two ancient obsidian flakes recovered from a now submerged archaeological site beneath Lake Huron represent the oldest and farthest east confirmed occurrence of western obsidian in the continental United States. A scuba diver near a submerged hunting structure at the bottom of Lake Huron. Image credit: O’Shea et al., doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250840. Obsidian, or volcanic glass, is a prized raw material for knappers, both ancient and modern, with its lustrous appearance, predictable flaking, and resulting razor-sharp edges. As such, it was used and traded widely throughout much of human history. Obsidian from the Rocky Mountains and the West was an exotic…

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The girl believes that she will be a great mother. She also warned other girls about what happened to her. Pregnancy at a young age is not something the average teenager would like to brag about. The society’s attitude towards young mothers is the way it is. However, this is not the rule because some pregnant girls want to share their happiness with the world. She doesn’t seem particularly worried about her situation. Melanie, from Kentucky in the US, is only 14 and already a mother. Since August 2017, she has been running the “melanielovesherbump” profile on Instagram, which means…

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As a birth photographer, Dannielle Hale knows how nerve-racking going into labor with a child can be for first-time parents. Recently, Karissa and James – a couple whose birth she recently captured – were going through those exact feelings when she was finally told to push. High on the rush of emotions that come with becoming a father for the very first time, James had the most powerful reaction to seeing his daughter come into the world. Thankfully, Dannielle was there to preserve the moment. “I watched this dad pace the floors and stand there helplessly as his wife roared…

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It is said that mothers will never forget the moment they let their 9-month-old baby out into the world. The moment when a new life is born is so beautiful and wonderful that it is difficult to describe it in words. All mothers in the world are great, and the moment when all living things are born is amazing, but what is the reason why women who are pregnant with multiple children are respected among mothers? The full-term belly of a woman who is pregnant with quadruplets, which conveys the ᴘᴀɪɴ just by looking at it, has been revealed. It…

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Pregnancy is the best proof of how resilient the female body is. Even if it seems frail, it can endure a lot. The new life developing in the womb and childbirth leaves no doubt – there is no such thing as the weaker sex. Cynthia, who gave birth to two identical sons some time ago, knows this well. Twin pregnancies turned out to be quite a challenge because the young mother was always very thin. Her belly grew at a rapid pace and has not returned to its former state. However, this is a small price to pay for the…

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