Thousands of people are moved by a boy’s tears while holding his newborn sister

The images of two little ones move Internet users and go viral: “My favorite video of the year” Social networks are not only a place where people vent…

An astrophysicist claims that the Milky Way is home to four hostile extraterrestrial civilizations

The aliens in movies and television shows are rarely friendly to humanity. For every E.T. or ALF, there are dozens of ‘Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations,’ or predators, body snatchers,…

Strange Phenomenon: Pyramids Around the World Unexpectedly Beaming Energy Towards Weird Space Cloud

In case you haven’t heard it before, there’s an emerging hypothesis. That a giant cloud is actually out there in our world and that it’s extremely near to…

“Somebody else is on the Moon,” claims a different NASA scientist (video)

“We live in an odd world,” Neil Armstrong once wrote, “with brilliant technologies yet to be found and breakthroughs available to anybody who can peel away one of…

A mothership and two lesser UFOs were captured by Skywatcher as they flew past the moon (video)

According to conspiracy theories on the internet, an alien mothership has been captured over the moon, accompanied by several miniature UFOs. Four structures can be seen traveling over…

400 children and educators in New Zealand witnessed a massive UFO

A 1970 event that occurred at Richmond School in Napier, New Zealand. Among the witnesses of the giant UFO were the principal, teachers and 400 students. This event…

The Dominican Republic reports seeing a flotilla of UFOs in the open

For several months, cameras around the world have captured fleets of UFOs entering the Earth. Now, it is the turn of the Dominican Republic, where witnesses spotted a…

A bizarre alien spaceship was discovered in orbit by Russian astronomers

Sergei Boshich was an astronomer who claimed that he had evidence that an extraterrestrial spaceship had broken up and was now floating in orbit. His calculations showed that…

Pentagon confirms ownership of off-world vehicles not made on this planet, which astounded everyone (video)

The Pentagon seems to have flown off the radar for the longest of times as although it is still one of the most technologically advanced places in the…

An individual who recorded a black triangle over Chicago is terrified for his life

sWalter Rand, of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States, contacted UFO researchers on May 2nd, 2015, and was truly afraid for his safety because of what he had…

Testor Model Kits for Roswell UFO Models and American Top Secret Aircraft are shown in the video below

By Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. he said: 1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s…

Chinese Lunar Rover Captures Strange Alien Walking On The Moon (video)

On the surface of the Moon, a Chinese lunar rover “caught” an alien. As the computer was lowering an item to the earth, an unseen creature got through…