Brad Steiger’s Research Exposes 40,000 Aliens Living Among Us Disguised as Humans!”

Even though there have been widespread cases of alien encounters, aliens have never come out and proved their existence to the public. We have never seen UFOs land…

A Secret AI System Called Sentient Is Capable of “Seeing and Detecting UFOs”

As revealed by recent documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, a classified artificial intelligence system called Sentient can “see and detect” UFOs. Sentient – The AI System To…

Rainbow Eucalyptus: The Most Beautiful Tree in the World

When Nature feels like painting… Eucalyptus deglupta is commonly known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus because of its unique way of shedding its bark. Once shed, the inner bark…

A 10-Ton Whale Was Found in the Amazon Rainforest and Scientists Are Baffled

A 36-foot-long whale (yes, a whale) was recently discovered in Brazil’s remote jungle, miles from its natural habitat, when scavenging vultures alerted local officials with their screeching. Image…

Exclusive Report By Pentagon’s Chief Ufologist Says Earth Is Being Monitored By A Mothership UFO

Sean Kirkpatrick, the chief Ufologist of the Pentagon and the director of AARO, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which has been formulated by the US military lately only…

Black Cube Shaped UFO Followed Fighter Jet Over Texas, March 21, 2023

A video of a strange black Cube Shaped UFO was filmed this week on Tuesday at an unspecified location in Texas, USA. Black Cube Shaped UFO Over Texas According…

Tiny Alien Corpse Found In Bolivia After A Strange Green UFO And Creatures Were Spotted By Residents

This story could be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke and safely ignored on this basis, but everything happened a few days ago, at the end of March,…

The World’s Largest Edible Mushroom Lives in Symbiosis with Termites and That’s Why It Grows So Huge

Most edible mushrooms are relatively small, but in West Africa as well as Zambia, there’s one particularly enormous species that outgrows all the rest of them. Termitomyces titanicus….

These Creepy Little Creatures Live Inside the Mouths of Fish, Replacing Their Tongue

This nightmarish parasitic isopod lives in the mouth of fish, replacing their tongues and feasting on their blood. While we at Earthly Mission have previously covered some truly…

Iceberg Alley: Where You Can Watch Enormous Icebergs Drift in Front of Your Window

Stretching from Arctic to the southeast coast of the island of Newfoundland, Iceberg Alley is the perfect spot for iceberg viewing – even from your kitchen window, while…

Astronomers just saw a star eat a planet—an astrophysicist on the team explains the first-of-its-kind discovery

New research shows that the destructive merging of a star and a planet expels huge amounts of gas, as shown in this artist’s impression. Credit: K. Miller/R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC), CC…

Astronomers puzzled by ‘largest’ ever cosmic explosion

An artist’s illustration of a star being sucked into a black hole — just one theory for what caused the largest explosion astronomers have observed. Astronomers said on…