Something was seriously wrong with our daughter’s eyes. They were mostly pupil!’: After ‘normal, healthy’ pregnancy, mom receives Axenfeld-Rieger diagnosis

Learning About Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome “My pregnancy with Mehlani was overall normal and healthy. I was 18, I didn’t have any serious medical Issues, every doctor’s appointment was quick…

‘Why would anyone want a baby like that?’ I didn’t understand how the baby so full of life within me could be THAT sick.

“’Trisomy 18.’ ‘Incompatible with life.’ ‘Why would anyone want a baby like that?’ I think back to the day those words shook my pregnant body to the core…

‘MY TWO QUEENS! There are many times in life where you get to watch wonderful things happen. Her dream is to become a superstar – and tonight you helped make her dream come true!’

“MY TWO QUEENS! There are many times in life where you get to watch wonderful things happen. I have been so very lucky to have witnessed one of…

‘It was so simple for me to accidentally get pregnant with my twins. Why couldn’t I do this for my wife?! I felt as if I was failing her. Something I never wanted to do.’

“Steph and I met when I was 16, and she was 18. At the time, I was dating a girl who introduced me to her friend group. Steph…

‘I saw a glow in my son’s left eye. I started to turn the flash off in photos, then I remembered a story about a girl whose eye was glowing. My eyes filled with tears. ‘Is it cancer?’

“After having one miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy it was time to have the talk. My husband and I sat down in January 2015 and decided no more…

I was in my first year of college, with a boyfriend I no longer loved. When I was 23, I had another abortion.’

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT: You’ve read our raw and emotional stories of hope, compassion, grief, healing, and kindness. Unlike many publishers we have not put up a paywall, but we…

‘We finally got the call. This baby was due in 2 months, and she had a heart defect that would require open-heart surgery. The second I saw her little face, I fell to the ground.’

“Our story started long ago, when I was about 12 years old. That was when I realized that my future would look different than other people. That is…

’ Those words hit me hard. ‘No she’s perfect. That’s not possible – she was already tested for that.’

“At our 20-week anatomy ultrasound, we had a scare. The ultrasound tech could not find our sweet baby’s stomach on the ultrasound. As she continued to look, I…

‘Six little words made my whole world fall apart. ‘Your baby may not make it’ – I jumped off the exam table and threw up in the trash can.’

“Six words, six little words made my whole world fall apart. ‘Your baby may not make it’ – I jumped off the exam table and threw up in…

Mom embraces postpartum belly after twins

“‘I have to share this. I have to know I’m not alone. I have to let others that feel this same way know that THEY are not alone….

Mom recounts son’s horrible experience with RSV

“This was the most terrifying part of Judah’s first few weeks in this world. Spoiler alert: it has absolutely nothing to do with Down Syndrome. When Judah was 3…

Woman details surviving ‘massive ball of horror’

“Have you ever had that moment where you realize you finally have everything you ever wanted in life and feel so utterly grateful that you can’t even put…