Author: Lucy

Un objeto extraño fue descubierto a principios de esta semana por un pescador en la costa de Cabo, Mᴇxɪᴄᴏ. Las imágenes muestran una criatura rosada y blanca con vientres grandes y abultados y ojos parecidos a los de un alie, provocando una discusión sobre lo que podría ser. El ‘pez alienígena’ es en realidad un tiburón hinchado con una coloración anormal, según las autoridades locales. El “pez alienígena” fue revelado el martes por Pisces Sportfishig Fleet luego de que Jaime Redo, Capitán del Dr. Pescado, les informara de la captura inesperada. El extraño tiburón oleaje fue capturado por un cliente…

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Los leopardos de las nieves han evolucionado para permanecer en algunas de las situaciones más duras de la tierra, están perfectamente adaptados para vivir en una de las cadenas montañosas más altas del mundo, son oportunistas cuando se trata de alimentarse, su presa incluye la cabra montés, Markhor, ciervos, jabalíes, marmotas y pequeños roedores, también pueden derribar presas de casi tres veces su propio tamaño. Guanaco, o Lama guanicoe, son miembros sudamericanos de la familia de los camellos. Viven en tierras altas de las montañas de los Andes, hasta trece mil pies sobre el nivel del mar. Al igual que…

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More than 40 skeletons with their hands tied behind their backs have been discovered at a construction site in the U.K. British news outlet SWNS reports that the macabre discovery was made while workers were preparing former farmland for a new development of 72 retirement apartments in Buckingham, southern England. There is speculation that the remains date back to Anglo-Saxon Britain, which lasted from the 5th to the 11th century A.D. or the bloody English Civil Wars between 1642 to 1651. Local district and town councilor Robin Stuchbury says that the mysterious remains may also be criminals executed on gallows in the town of Buckingham, according…

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When this Iron Age bog body was discovered in 1835, it was thought that she had died recently. IN 1835, WHILE EXCAVATING SOME peat on an estate in Jutland, Denmark, farmers found a female body lying supine in a bog. Once the farmers removed the layers of branches that covered the body, they saw that she was naked and had a leather cape and woolen garments folded atop her abdomen zzz.. If not for the antiquated garb, the farmers—because of the excellent condition of the body—thought the woman had died only recently. The bog boby has permanently been moved to…

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The skeleton of a giant 100-million-year-old marine reptile has been found in Australia, raising hopes for researchers to uncover important evidence of prehistoric life. The remains of the 6m-tall young long-necked pleiosaur, also known as an elamsaurus, were found by amateur fossil hunters on a cattle station in Queensland last August. The elasmosaurs, which were 8 to 10 meters long, lived in the Eromaga Sea, which covered large parts of the Australian inland with 50-meter-deep water about 150 million years ago. Espen Knutsen, senior curator of palaeontology at the Queensland Museum, likened the discovery to that of the Rosetta Stone…

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Not one, but two incredibly rare boat burials have been excavated in Uppsala, Sweden. One of these was still intact, with remains inside of not just a human, but also a dog and even a horse, all in good condition. According to archaeologists, it is a remarkable find, and indicates the burial of a high-status male. “This is a unique excavation,” said archaeologist Anton Seiler of Swedish archaeology firm The Archaeologists. “The last excavation of this grave type in Old Uppsala was almost 50 years ago.” Ship burials are found all across Europe, particularly in Scandinavian countries, but that doesn’t mean they were common.…

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Silver coins from almost 2000 years to the Roman period have been declared a treasure by metal detectors after they are found in a field. A treasure inquest held at Cardiff Coroners’ Court saw senior coroner for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Andrew Barkley declare a range of objects, including finger rings, a brooch, and a hoard from the Late Bronze Age, as treasure. The hoard of 91 Roman coins was discovered in Wick, in the Vale of Glamorgan, by Richard Annear and John Player. They were found partly scattered by the previous ploughing. The founders left the undisturbed…

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There are many reported human skeletal finds which are in discordance with current evolutionary beliefs dating back to anomalously ancient geological periods in the distant past, way before it is accepted that human beings ever existed. One intriguing report surfaced in an American journal called The Geologist dated December 1862: “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth. . . The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself,…

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When coal miners at Moberly, Missouri were drilling a shaft 360 foot deep, broke into a cavern revealing “a wonderful buried city,” multiple sources reported in 1885. Masonry and artefacts in extraordinary rude design have been found. Like stone tables, bronze and flint knives, stone and granite hammers, metal statues, metallic saws and a stone fountain that flowed with “perfectly pure water”, which was found to be impregnated with lime. “Lying beside the fountain where portions of a human being and from the measurement of the bones, it concluded that when alive the figure was three times the size of an…

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The mummified remains of a middle-aged man, believed to have walked the earth about 1,700 years ago, has been unearthed on a less frequented section of the ancient Silk Road on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The body was found at a construction site in the northwestern town of Mang’ai in Qinghai Province. It is being cared for by Haixi Prefectural Museum of Ethnology. “It is in good shape, perhaps the oldest and the best preserved mummy discovered on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,” said Xin Feng, director of the museum. The body measures 1.62 meters, and features perfectly preserved skin…

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Two 1,000 year-old skeletons, discovered separated by hundreds of miles of sea, have been identified as close family members and reunited by researchers. Both men, Danish vikings, are thought to have died as a result of violent conflict between 960AD and 1020AD. One was discovered in a mᴀss grave under an Oxford University College in 2008, the other in 2005 in Otterup, Denmark. DNA tests suggest they were either brothers or uncle and nephew. They will be united at an exhibition at the Danish National Museum after the bones found in England were loaned. One of the men is thought…

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