Author: Bevis

En este video se ve el increíble esfuerzo por rescatar a un elefante joven de un pozo de 25 pies de profundidad. En Jharkhand, el estado más oriental de la India, la cría cayó accidentalmente en el pozo de agua, pero los humanos pudieron salvarla. Usaron una excavadora JCB para tallar una rampa en la cresta del pozo mientras bombeaban toneladas de agua durante dos horas para hacer flotar el elefante hasta la cima. La bestia finalmente salió a la tierra antes de deambular para reunirse con su manada, ante los ruidosos gritos de los desconcertados espectadores. La gran cosa gris…

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A huge galaxy seems to appear out of nowhere and surround our own. Now, scientists have found a completely new moon on the edge of our own Solar System. The moon, which is about 161 km (100 miles) in diameter, has been found orbiting Makemake, the second brightest frozen minor planet, way out in the Kuiper belt past Pluto. So, what’s going on exactly? And why did it take us so long to notice these important things in our own galaxy? Because it is so small, the newly found moon, which is temporarily called “S/2015 (136472) 1” or “MK 2”…

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Una ballena jorobada de 65 pies que había varado en una playa en C finalmente fue devuelta al agua después de una operación de rescate de 20 horas. ¡El día que un grupo de pescadores se encontró con una enorme ballena nunca se olvidará! Una ballena sᴘᴇʀᴍ de tamaño considerable quedó varada en tierra en la ciudad de Ningbo, al sur de Shanghái. Si no se devolvía al agua lo suficientemente rápido, se pensaba que perecería por deshidratación. Las ballenas necesitan agua para mantenerse frescas a pesar de que respiran oxígeno al igual que las criaturas terrestres. Una ballena varada corre el ʀɪsᴋ…

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A 65-foot humpback whale that had washed up on a beach in C was eventually taken back into the water after a 20-hour rescue operation. The day a group of fisherman came upon a massive s whale will never be forgotten! A sizable sᴘᴇʀᴍ whale was stranded on land in Ningbo City, south of Shanghai. If it wasn’t returned to the water fast enough, it was thought that it would perish from dehydration. Whales need water to stay cool even though they breathe oxygen just like creatures on land do. A beached whale runs the ʀɪsᴋ of drowning or collapsing…

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The incredible effort to rescue a young elephant from a 25-foot-deep well is seen in this video. In Jharkhand, India’s most eastern state, the calf accidently fell into the waterhole, but humans were able to save it. They used a JCB digger to carve a ramp out of the well’s ridge as they pumped tons of water for two hours to float the elephant to the top. The beast ultimately clambered out onto the land before meandering off to rejoin its herd, to the noisy whooping of the bewildered onlookers. The big gray thing was rolling around in the shallow…

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One day about 3,000 years ago, at a time when the Minoan civilization still ruled over Crete and long before the rise of Classical Greece, an olive fell to the ground in the area of Vouves. Or perhaps it was deliberately planted there by a human hand. Whichever the case, that olive seed sprouted and grew into a tree. And incredibly that tree is still alive today – and still producing fruit – one of the so-called ‘monumental olive trees’ of Crete. The Olive tree of Vouves is an olive tree in the village of Ano Vouves in the municipal…

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A blonde seal was strangled by a fishing net on the Norfolk coast, and the heartbreaking event was caught on camera. Geoff Smith, a 54-year-old IT consultant, took the picture that demonstrates the extent of plastic contamination. The seal could be seen with a large blue net around its neck and it appeared to be unable to remove on its own. Worried Geoff phoned the Friends of Horsey Seals, a seal rescue organization to let them know about the seal, but the animal managed to elude the rescuers trying to catch him and swam back out to sea. According to…

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Lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) are medium-sized shrubs (4 to 6 m in height) with deciduous foliage composed of large, slightly leathery green leaves. They are highly appreciated in our gardens for their superb fragrant flowering which runs, depending on the variety, from April to June. The wide range of colors (white, purple, red, violet, blue, etc.) of the flowers, single or double, allows many fantasies. Lilacs like ordinary soil and a warm, sunny location necessary to produce abundant blooms . If your lilac does not bloom and vegetate… On the one hand, do not hesitate to prune it to remove all…

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From Buenos Aires, Argentina, comes Pablo Frias, a professional tattoo artist.   “I started tattooing in Argentina 8 years ago, back when I was 23 years old. The neighbourhood that I lived in was very artistic, there were many tattoo art galleries and I would always see them from the outside on the way to my work”. Now Pablo lives in New York and is resident at Ink Nation Tattoo Studio. His pieces are pure explosions of colour with a realistic cartoon vibe, as he told us in our interview with him in the latest issue of Tattoo Life. “I enjoy…

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Want to keep your hanging baskets blooming and booming strong all summer long this year? One of the best things about a flowering hanging basket is that it brings instant color and interest anywhere. Whether on a front porch, back porch, patio, or perched on a post in the middle of the yard, it can brighten up any space with a welcoming array of blooms. Flowering baskets have so many advantages over traditional flowerbed plantings. There is little worry of animals digging them up or devouring them. Nor is there ever a concern about constantly having to weed them week…

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The comet moth (Argema mittrei), also called the moon moth, is found in the rain forests of Madagascar. The male of this silk moth, which is among the largest in the world, measures 20 centimeters from wingtip to tailtip. The “Madagascar comet moth” is another name for a massive silk moth found only in Madagascar’s jungles. Because to the degradation of their natural habitat and deforestation, they are just as vulnerable as many other species. Prior to pupating, their caterpillars eat nonstop for around two months. Depending on the temperature and humidity levels, it takes an egg 70–85 days to…

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Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good – like accidentally stumbling on to one of the most beautiful, longest blooming perennial plants we’ve ever grown at the farm. And are we ever glad we did! Not only are its blooms gorgeous and prolific, the plant also happens to be deer and drought resistant too. And, as you’ll see below, it comes in a variety of colors that are a perfect fit for any flowerbed.We were looking for perennial geraniums when we happened to stumble upon this ever-blooming beauty at a local greenhouse. Discovering The Longest Blooming Perennial Ever –…

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A shared video has attracted the attention of the online community, as the Komodo dragon manages to swallow a large mountain goat to the horror of viewers. The video begins with a Komodo dragon approaching the carcass of a completely motionless mountain goat, and begins to find a way to eat its prey. The person who recorded the video said that the goat was bitten by the Komodo dragon a few hours ago, and is now completely paralyzed due to the poison from this animal. It can be seen that the goat is not small in size, but instead of…

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A loving mother has been seen assisting her newborn baby elephant in standing up again after it had a bad fall during its first few clumsy steps. The smallest calf repeatedly collapsed at the water’s edge as the new family – a mother and her two children – made their way to the river in Bᴏᴛsᴡᴀɴᴀ to get a drink. Fortunately, mom was nearby to assist, and she can be seen tenderly raising her priceless child back up using her feet and trunk. Charl Stols, a Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀn wildlife photographer, took the endearing pictures. The 39-year-old, a photo host for…

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The mongoose is a member of the mongoose family, averaging 0.45 kg and 50 cm long. Despite their small size, in fact, carnivorous mongooses, known as opportunistic and excellent predators, are capable of provoking their prey with their good hearing and foresight. so they feed quite easily and grab their prey quickly thanks to their sharp teeth. Their favorite prey are termites, grasshoppers, crickets… but can also be rodents such as mice, rabbits, or small birds. They are also capable of hunting other carnivores such as jackals and venomous snakes. The mongoose not only does not run away, but actively…

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Discover the names of 9 Beautiful Flowers that Grow Without Soil. You can easily plant them in water, pebbles, peat, or coconut coir. Looking for easy-to-maintain blooms? Here’s a list of some beautiful Flowers that Grow Without Soil. You can keep them in vases anywhere! Flowers that Grow Without Soil 1. Orchid Botanical Name: Orchidaceae Our Latest Videos Orchids are one of the best Flowers that Grow Without Soil. You can use peat moss, fir bark, sphagnum moss, perlite, cork nuggets, or coconut husk chips to grow them. Have a look at the best DIY potting mix recipes for orchids here. 2. Paperwhite Narcissus Botanical Name: Narcissus…

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The ғʀɪɢʜᴛᴇɴing photos were captured by a kayaker in Queensland, Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀ as he was investigating a marsh. On a recent trip to Queensland’s Mount Isa, kayaker Martin Muller witnessed a horrible sight: an olive python consuming an Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀn freshwater crocodile that it had just ᴋɪʟʟed by strangling it. Naturally, Muller picked out his camera and started snapping shots. The photographs were posted online by the Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀn nonprofit group GG Wildlife Rescue Inc. and show the snake around the helpless crocodile. In a few shots where it appeared as though the crocodile’s spiked tail had completely vanished inside the snake’s throat,…

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Not as large or powerful as lions and jaguars, hyenas are animals that often hunt or rob in groups if they cannot find a corpse. That makes their chances of success much higher. Lonely hyenas do not easily succeed in foraging. So, the lone hyena in this story surprised many people by tearing apart a rather large prey, the wildebeest. The story takes place in Kenya, captured by Norwegian wildlife photographer while visiting Maasai Mara National Park. The lone hyena follows the wildebeest, pursuing its prey until the opportunity arises. It attacks its hind legs and waits for its prey…

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Wildlife photographer Chris Brunsᴋɪʟʟ was left astonished when he saw a cunning jaguar ambush and ᴋɪʟʟ a yacare caiman after a protracted and difficult struggle on a river in a remote part of Bʀᴀᴢɪʟ. Dramatic pictures showed the big cat surprising the reptile and pouncing on it, starting an uncommon ғɪɢʜᴛ to the ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ. The young jaguar wrestled with the caiman for more than twenty minutes, sinking its massive jaws into the reptile’s neck and the back of its skull. The predator turned prey for a much larger animal and the caiman bravely attempted to flee but was dragged deeper…

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The camellia is a plant that grows to be about four to five feet in height, so it makes a lovely back section that adds height to a garden.It grows best in warmer hardiness zones such as six to 10, and it can create pink, red, or white blooms to add color to your garden during the colder seasons of the year.In total, there are over 250 different species of the camellia plant, so you have plenty of easy to care for options to select from for your garden.In this growing guide, we cover tips on growing beautiful camellia plants. Light and…

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Scientists working on the Starshot Project say they have found the basic parts needed to make a ship that can travel to another solar system in our lifetimes. Researchers from the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative have found a way to build a spaceship that can travel at one-fifth the speed of light and reach Alpha Centauri in just 20 years. This makes it possible for people to travel to another star system for the first time in history. Because of this discovery, many of us who are reading these words right now could see how people get to another solar system…

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El fotógrafo y guía de vida silvestre Johan Adolf Smalman captó la asombrosa vista: un cachorro de león huye de la persecución de un búfalo sudafricano en Skukuza, en el Parque Nacional Kruger, Sudáfrica. Smalman dijo que el gran búfalo se acercó a un grupo de leones que estaban comiendo otro búfalo que habían matado antes junto al río. El búfalo africano es el herbívoro más grande del continente, puede llegar a pesar casi una tonelada. Tienen grandes cuernos conectados entre sí en la parte superior de la cabeza de aproximadamente 1,5 m de largo. Se sabe que este gran búfalo…

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These peaceful little guys (who are the largest rodents in the world) are called capybaras, and they get along extremely well with literally every other animal species. Including humans. How come? Well, it certainly doesn’t have to do with the fact that they eat their own waste. No, what it probably has to do with is their incredible inner peace. Just look at this. And indeed, the photo/video evidence of the capybara’s friendliness towards other animals is more than convincing. Apparently, all domestic and wild animals (including crocodiles!) seem to be happily hanging out with this friendly creature that looks…

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An American actor, director, screenwriter, and producer with the name of Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone. Stallone rose to fame in 1976 after appearing as Rocky Balboa in the movie series, Rocky. He has done some famous movies and appeared as John Rambo in the Rambo series, as the mercenary Barney Ross in the Expendables series. He is one of Hollywood’s greats. Sylvester has many intriguing tattoos on his body. Let us take a look at what they are and the meanings they hold. 1. Back Tattoo Tattoo: The back of the actor contains a large tattoo of an angel with rust-colored…

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