Author: Bevis

Have you ever witnessed a buffalo fling a lion into the air, watch it perform three flips before landing on its feet? You have it now. Sune Eloff, Business System Manager, witnessed an almost amusing interaction between a buffalo and a young lion who was attempting to catch a monitor lizard while driving on the H4-1 west of Lower Sabie in the Kruger National Park. Soon, intriguing developments began to take place. Sune said that At Sunset Dam, they spent some time watching impala come down for a drink. After deciding to continue, they came upon some lions dozing off…

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The colors possessed by flowers often provide positive energy for a mood that is always happy and cheerful. Some people also make this excuse to have colorful flowers for their interior decoration. One of the most popular colors is purple. You can see the following types of flowers and have them beautifully! Succulent Because of their beauty, succulents are a popular plant. Not only that, but the ease of care is another reason many people have it. This succulent will provide you with lovely purple flowers. Succulents are distinguished by their thick leaves. Do you enjoy it? African Violet You’ve…

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Rose is beautiful flowers that can make interest your home design and decoration. Not always grow at ground, you can grow this rose flower at container and put them at indoor or outdoor area. Let’s see these Small Rose Garden Growing Roses In Containers. Rose at Backyard Garden at backyard growing various plants. It makes colorful and gorgeous place at your home. Between various plants that grow in your backyard, you can grow rose garden in space area. You can combine the color of rose or just make one color for stunning and eye-catching rose garden. Growing the Rose Garden at Walking Side…

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Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie est l’une des figures les plus importantes et les plus influentes de l’histoire de l’égyptologie, ayant grandement initié le monde occidental aux merveilles archéologiques de nos anciens ancêtres. Le corps de Seqenenre porte les marques du coup de hache et des deux coups de lance qui ont causé sa mort. Le Britannique a commencé son travail au milieu des années 1880, fouillant de nombreux sites archéologiques parmi les plus importants d’Égypte avec sa femme, Hilda Petrie. Depuis lors, les archéologues ont afflué dans la région, déterrant une multitude de reliques qui offrent un aperçu incroyable…

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“Comenzó a realizar RCP en la mascota sin dudarlo”. Andrew Klein es un socorrista del Departamento de Bomberos de Santa Mónica en California. Marley, el perro, le debe la vida a este hombre ya que Andrew se negó a renunciar a él después de sacarlo de una casa en llamas. En 2017, un incendio estalló en el edificio de Marley y atrapó a la mascota adentro. Por casualidad, el fotógrafo de retratos Billy Fernando pasaba conduciendo mientras los bomberos acudían al lugar. Entonces, tomó la decisión de detener su auto y verlos hacer su trabajo. Este fue el momento en…

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Beautiful plantings in attractive planters will complement your interior design. This stunning planter below will help to center a room. The planter will liven up and excite the atmosphere of the room. Consider the following lovely flower pot ideas: Minimalist succulent pot ideas that are stylish This minimalist looks with a white planter is perfect for a room corner or office desk. Pots with this stylish painting will make the interior look more stylish and beautiful. Fill with trailing succulent plants, cacti, and the like. A metallic hanging planter Use a stylish hanging plant in corner of your home. With…

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El interior de América del Norte es el hogar del oso grizzly, una subespecie del oso pardo. Son famosos por su enorme tamaño (pueden pesar hasta 360 kg) y su comportamiento frecuentemente hostil. Son depredadores del ápice que persiguen animales grandes como el caribú, pero también son bastante oportunistas. Comerán almejas, salmón, bayas y carroña (anteriormente ᴅᴇᴀᴅ animales). Sus poderosas patas delanteras están construidas para cavar y buscar comida, así como para correr rápidamente para capturar presas. A excepción de las mamás con cachorros, pasan la mayor parte del tiempo solos. Sin embargo, para el salmón ʜᴜɴᴛ que está migrando…

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Plants with black color do have a strong appeal because it will create a mysterious style and give a dramatic look to the garden. Some of the following plants with black flowers and flowers will be an inspiration to fill your garden. For that, check the following article about 7 Beautiful Black Flowers & Foliage Plants for The Garden. Ludisia Discolor If you like small leafy plants, you will love this one. The black color is not intense and has a beautiful brownish appearance. The leaves also have a bright line that makes it look not boring. Pulsatilla This black flower…

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Since elephants are the largest land mammals, a pride will require all of its lions to be ready to use their claws and teeth to try and knock one down. That these animals can ᴋɪʟʟ a lion is not surprising. Elephant calves are the primary target of lions, which is why these gregarious animals have evolved protective behaviors to save their young. A male elephant’s tremendous weight can exceed 14,000 pounds, and herds will surround their young to protect them from lions. Elephants have been known to take up trunks weighing as much as 400 pounds and swing them like…

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In recent times, India has strengthened its reputation through some phenomenal finds made in a number of caves in the Bihar region. India is one of the oldest cultures in the world. India is the country where you discover every day a lot of temples and artifacts that are so advanced for the era in which they were built that scientists cannot explain. Remember the Padmanabhaswami temple or the Weerahhadra temple where a 2000-year-old image of a bicyclist can be seen carved on one of the walls? Two artificial bunkers were recently discovered in Barabar and Nagarjuna, both located in…

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Inland Northern America is home to the grizzly bear, a subspecies of the brown bear. They are renowned for their enormous size – they may weigh up to 360 kg – and their frequently hostile demeanor. They are apex predators who pursue big animals like caribou, but they are also quite opportunistic. They will eat clams, salmon, berries, and carrion (previously ᴅᴇᴀᴅ animals). Their powerful front legs are built for digging and foraging as well as for rushing quickly to seize prey. Except for moms with cubs, they spend most of their time alone. To ʜᴜɴᴛ salmon that are migrating…

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We are aware that leopards enjoy feeding in trees. They prefer to hoist their ᴋɪʟʟs into the treetops, far from the reach of other predators who could be tempted to grab it. A large male can move a carcass weighing two or three times his own weight thanks to their excellent hoisting sᴋɪʟʟs. But this leopard seems to be carrying too much to the top of trees. Since ʜᴜɴᴛing is labor-intensive, many carnivores store food for later consumption. After all, it makes sense to consume as much of the ᴋɪʟʟ as you can, frequently over a number of days. The…

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Se sabe que los leones y las hienas son dos depredadores superiores en la naturaleza. También debido a la guerra por la comida para sobrevivir, los leones y las hienas se convierten en archirrivales. La razón es porque las hienas son especies que suelen comerse las sobras de otras personas, no solo eso, también forman pandillas que se especializan en robar presas de los depredadores, típicamente leones. Se odian, pero estos dos animales están muy limitados para participar en competiciones sin sentido, con el fin de ahorrar energía y evitar lesiones innecesarias. Anoche, 3 hienas fueron a cazar jirafas sin…

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Les archéologues égyptiens travaillant sur un projet de réduction des eaux souterraines au temple de Kom Ombo en Arabie ont découvert un sphix de même, selon le ministère égyptien des antiquités du dimanche. Le Sphix mis à la terre après sa restauration. Crédit d’image : Egyptiaп Miпistry of Αпtiqυities. La découverte est une surprise car ces derniers mois, des archéologues travaillant en Egypte ont découvert les restes de deux statues de Sphix. Il y a quelques semaines, nous avons écrit sur la façon dont les travailleurs de la construction travaillaient à l’époque où le complexe du temple de Luxor était tombé…

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Las pitones son serpientes que no son ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍᴏᴜs y que se pueden encontrar en Asia, África y Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀ. Se las considera serpientes del Viejo Mundo porque no son nativas de América del Norte o del Sur. La base de datos de reptiles enumera 41 especies diferentes de pitones en la familia Pythonidae. Aunque tanto las pitones como las boas son grandes constrictoras, pertenecen a familias separadas. Las pitones prefieren vivir en regiones cálidas y húmedas. Aunque muchas especies prosperan en las selvas tropicales, las pitones también habitan praderas, bosques, pantanos, afloramientos rocosos, dunas y arbustos. Dependiendo de la especie, las…

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Un naufrage incroyablement bien préservé a été découvert dans la mer Baltique. Bien que cela remonte probablement à il y a 500 à 600 ans, “c’est presque comme si c’était hier”, a déclaré Rodrigo Pacheco-Rυiz, archéologue maritime avec les spécialistes de l’enquête MMT, dans une déclaration. Le navire a été découvert pour la première fois à l’aide d’un soar – qui utilise des ondes solides pour détecter des objets – par l’administration maritime suédoise en 2009. Mais Pacheco-Rυiz et son équipe, en collaboration avec le Centre d’archéologie maritime de l’Université de Southampto et Eglaid, ont récemment mené une enquête archéologique…

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Wiz Khalifa is a hip-hop artist with numerous open and closed tattoos, but very little is known about them. What everyone is aware of is that his body is like a platform of ink, though he cannot himself count on his tattoos. His inks run over each other to form continuously extended shapes that one just cannot make out when and where they begin or end. Yes, you will be perplexed to know the meaning of his body inks. Check them out below! 1. Arm Tattoo Wiz Khalifa has a number of quotes tattooed all over his arms. The major…

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She puts her heart on that and she is expressive from the top of her head to the tip of her toe. She is Svetlanna, SuicideGirl and alt model who likes to sing, and her motto is: Free your mind and have no bias! Hello Svetlanna, where are you from and where do you live? I’ll only say I’m a latina – most people think I’m russian because my name is – but I’m not! What do you do for a living? I’m an independent model and I’m mostly shooting for my OnlyFans profile (just search for Svetlanna there!) or…

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It is well known that lions are not frequently good animal mates. On the other hand, there are a lot of things in life that individuals cannot understand. This is what makes life so exciting for those who know how to appreciate it. This time, we’ll all be in ᴀᴡᴇ as we witness a lion and his canine pal shaking hands! Millions of viewers were affected by the touching footage of the lion shaking and kissing the dog’s hand. It has received more than 70 million views and 1.2 million likes since it was uploaded to YouTube in January 2018.…

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A photographer named Giulio Zanni traveled to Alaska just to get images of bald eagles. He didn’t anticipate seeing two fully grown adults arguing over prey in midair, though. With their wings wide and their ᴅᴇᴀᴅly talons poised to grasp and claw, the two birds were engaged in battle as they crashed into the sky. The biggest of the two birds, intending to bring the fish back to its nest on dry land, initiated the ғɪɢʜᴛ by grabbing a fish off the coast of Homer. But the smaller bird had other ideas and had plotted an intercept route. It flew…

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During a safari trip through the Kruger National Park, tourists encountered an extraordinary sight when they came across a lion walking alongside a road. A lone kudu that was standing by the side of the road rapidly caught the lion’s attention when it briefly followed their car. Recognizing a chance for a meal, he pursued the kudu and ᴋɪʟʟed it in front of curious onlookers. The cars that were ᴄʟᴏsᴇly following and the barricade that had been set up on the other side don’t seem to bother the lion as it leisurely crosses the street. The lion made the decision…

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Abandoned thousands of years ago in the quarries of northern Aswan, ancient Egypt, the Unfinished Obelisk are a mass of granite 40 meters long (138 feet) and more than 1,090 tons (1,200 short tons) that makes up one of the most important mysteries of the archaeological world. Historical originThe creation of the obelisk was ordered by Hatshepsut (1508–1458 BC), the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. The history of its origin is uncertain, but it is believed that the obelisk started to be built, possibly, to complement what would later be known as the Lateran Obelisk – originally built in Karnak and later…

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This amazing sighting takes place as a group of angry birds ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ a snake! Can the snake get away from these birds? Keith Raine, a 37-year-old environmental consultant, and his wife Tracey were fortunate to witness this in the Dinokeng Game Reserve, which is located near Pretoria. Keith describes their encounter that they came across this group of arrow-marked babblers and a gʟᴏssy starling ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋing a juvenile boomslang during a camping weekend. Due to their keen vision, birds are able to identify any potential ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛs, including cats, snakes, and other potentially harmful animals. They typically make a lot of noise…

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A clumsy baby elephant needed a little help from his big sister and her trunk after sliding into a mud puddle. The calf made an attempt to rise up with his front legs after rolling around in the mud at a watering hole in the Kruger National Park in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ. He appeared to be getting assistance from an adult, yet he nevertheless fell into the deep puddle. The calf struggled in the muck, sinking, slipping, and wriggling as it seemed to try to catch the attention of another elephant. After a little delay, his older sister cautiously walked backwards…

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