Author: Bevis

Most foxgloves are biennials, blooming in their second year from seed, or short-lived perennials. Most are more or less evergreen so their rosettes of green leaves remain all winter. The flowers are very rich in nectar and are like magnets for bees and butterflies. Just be aware that foxgloves contain the chemical digitalin used in medicine to treat heart disease and all parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten. Contact with the foliage can irritate the skin and eyes so wear gloves, especially if you have sensitive skin. How to grow mittensCultureMost foxgloves thrive in light or shade, although…

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The elephɑnts ɑt Disney’s Animɑl Kingdom just got ɑ little bigger with the birth of ɑ cɑlf. Weighing in ɑt 311lbs, the mɑle Africɑn elephɑnt wɑs welcomed into the herd by his mother Vɑshɑ, ten members of the herd, ɑnd ɑ teɑm of speciɑlist ɑnimɑl cɑre professionɑls. The 25-yeɑr-old mother gɑve birth to her sixth bɑby ɑfter gɑining more thɑn 800lbs during her 22 months of pregnɑncy. This lɑtest ɑddition, which hɑs yet to be nɑmed, is the second cɑlf from Vɑshɑ, who gɑve birth to ɑ femɑle cɑlf, Kiɑngɑ, in 2004. Newborn: The Africɑn elephɑnt cɑlf (pictured here) weighs…

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Your Body Is A Blank Canvas, And The Best Tattoo Ideas Can Transform It Into A Work Of Art. As such, you want a cool tattoo design that emanates with both personal meaning and visual allure in equal measure. Barring laser removal, this is a life-long commitment and one that shouldn’t be approached haphazardly…not that it’s stopped plenty of guys from strolling into the nearest parlour and throwing caution to the wind. A quick word of advice: don’t be one of those guys. When it comes to the best tattoo for men, some blokes know exactly what they want while others need…

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These stunning photos show a group of baby elephants amusing safari-goers with a huge pile-on next to a waterhole. Watch the video at the end One of the elephants climbs on top of a relative lying on the ground as the family herds meet up in Greater Kruger Tourists are amazed to witness the elderly elephants lying on the ground and letting the young climb on their backs and playfully push them with their feet. A young elephant playfully pushes a fellow animal with his front foot during the pile-on at the South African waterhole Photographer Bobby-Jo Vial, 35, was…

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Warmth and comfort are closely associated with the color brown. It has an earthy tone that is very much related to comfortable things. It’s funny to say that brown is actually one of my favorite colors, but I find myself drawn to it over and over. Brown is a comforting and neutral shade that looks good with almost any color combination. Brown nails are a great option if you want everyday nails that will go with almost any outfit. Brown nails can be super simple or you can incorporate incredible designs. Right now, I’m loving brown tips and brown heart…

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Buffalo and lion are natural enemies and can often be seen fighting. In fact, the Cape buffalo is believed to be responsible for more lion deaths than any other animal. Due to their massive size and strength, a Cape Buffalo would take out a lion almost every single time in a one on one. A pride of lions can, however, overpower a single Cape buffalo by utilizing the strength of the group. A single lion can sometimes take out a calf or a wounded buffalo on its own. The video was taken this time by amateur photographer Robert Brookes,…

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Male tourist named Robert Ndawuasa Sayialel, 39 years old, from Nairobi, Kenya (country in eastern Africa) accidentally captured impressive moments in the life-and-death battle between zebras and crocodiles in the river. Mara in Maasai Mara. Mr. Robert said, while driving along the river, he spotted a herd of zebras gathering to prepare to cross the river. Below is a herd of ferocious Nile crocodiles waiting. The images were taken by him from a distance of only 18m. It is known that hungry crocodiles, which are already lying in the river, waiting for the zebras to cross will seize the…

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The farmhouse style is a wonderful choice for any home. Farmhouse décor works very well even in combination with other styles so there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from adding a few decorations in the farmhouse style to your home. Of course, the farmhouse style is a broad style so you should choose something that can actually be matched with the style of your home. In this new compilation of home décor ideas, we’ve compiled a fresh list of 15 Great Farmhouse Décor Additions For Your Home. Take a few moments to explore them and you’re going to discover a couple…

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This мale lion approaches a sleeping lioness. When you assuмe he will lie down nexᴛ ᴛo her, he really wakes her up in the worsᴛ way you can iмagine. Joshua Loonkushu, a 32-year-old safari guide, capᴛured this on caмera while on a nighᴛᴛiмe gaмe driʋe near a riʋer. In the Maasai Mara, Joshua said thaᴛ the day Ƅefore, they saw a pride of lions thaᴛ had jusᴛ ᴋɪʟʟed a wildeƄeesᴛ along the Ƅanks of the Sand Riʋer. The following day, he мade the decision ᴛo go there in an efforᴛ ᴛo find theм. Thankfully, he was aƄle ᴛo locaᴛe theм.…

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Plants placed indoors can provide a new mix of colors, textures, and decorating styles in addition to adding to the aesthetic. Bringing plants indoors has also been shown in studies to reduce anxiety, improve air quality, and provide a sense of calm. Simply try this review to get started decorating with houseplants. Maintain an appealing windowsill Decorating hanging plants are frequently placed on the windowsill. This can also improve the way the plants receive light. You can hang them or put them in pots around the windowsill. Monstera is an intriguing plant The combination of plants makes the room…

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The Trucus House by Gerardo Boyancé Ancona in Mexico is a unique residential project with a linear scheme and a patio that runs parallel to the program. The social and residential areas are on the ground floor and the service area is on the top floor. The interior spaces flow continuously, with a kitchen designed as a versatile space that integrates with the terrace and becomes a prominent social area. This house is a demonstration of functional design and utilization of its surroundings. The development of the project responded to a large extent to the rectangular typology of the land (10mx34m), and…

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Demostrando al mundo que lo imposible no es nada para un perro, este pastor australiano se convirtió en padre soltero de cinco cachorros de guepardo huérfanos. La madre de los pequeños falleció, poco después de dar a luz, y sus posibilidades de supervivencia eran extremadamente escasas. Pero todos tuvieron una segunda oportunidad, gracias a Blakely, un perro muy cariñoso y amable. Los cinco bebés, 3 niños y 2 niñas, nacieron en el Centro de cría de guepardos del Zoológico y Jardín Botánico de Cincinnati en Ohio, donde su madre, Willow, era residente permanente. Desafortunadamente, la pequeña de 5 años falleció…

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Here are two elephants locking trunks during a vicious ғɪɢʜᴛ to dominate their herd as they square off. At the Amboseli National Park in Kᴇɴʏᴀ, a younger bull challenged the elder one to a duel to determine who would become the dominant male. The senior elephant, who had ʟᴏsᴛ one of his tusks in a previous encounter, utilized his experience to outwit the young opponent by knocking him off balance with his trunk. Mike McCaffrey, a 35-year-old photographer documented the encounter. The American, who now resides in Kᴇɴʏᴀ, came upon the conflict while traveling 12,500 miles through eastern and southern…

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Elephants have fascinated people since they first came into contact with them. Although these mammals are beasts, they have soft hearts. In a sense, elephants are mirror images of ourselves; they reflect our happiness, misery, aging, birth, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, and everything in between. Elephants are among the most magnificent animals on the planet, and young elephants are especially cute. They play, learn, and bond with their family during their formative years instead of being taken away by circuses like Ringling Bros and made to perform ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ, unnatural stunts. Young elephants are allowed to behave as they like while their mother keeps…

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Descubrió un electrón “ewbo” con dos electrones “adlt”. Los perros salvajes se aprovecharon de su agilidad en comparación con los elefantes grandes y lentos para tratar de atrapar al elefante pequeño. Aunque los dos elefantes adultos se lanzaron persiguiendo a los perros salvajes, los perros no tenían miedo. Siguieron tratando de atrapar al elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦. Los elefantes que pasaban oyeron la alarma y respondieron inmediatamente. Los elefantes acudieron en tropel. Solo en este punto los perros callejeros dan vueltas y vueltas. Sin la intervención oportuna de otros elefantes, es probable que los perros hembra sigan al elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 hasta que…

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Diez años después, este afortunado hombre todavía disfruta de los abrazos matutinos con su enorme amigo peludo: una gentil leona que rescató cuando tenía solo unos días de edad. Desde entonces, pasan su tiempo juntos y su vínculo inspirador y único le muestra al mundo que el amor es el idioma que todos hablamos, ¡tanto humanos como animales! Recientemente, el conservacionista Valentin Gruener, compartió un video para mostrar a todos la reacción de su amiga la leona cuando lo ve por la mañana. El conmovedor video se volvió viral en línea, ¡y es fácil ver por qué! “Sirga piensa en…

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Una hembra de leopardo en la  Reserva de Caza MalaMala  arrebata un corderito impala y convierte esta comida potencial en un ejercicio de entrenamiento para sus cachorros. El guía de campo de 34 años Michael Botes tuvo la suerte de compartir su avistamiento de un leopardo hembra entrenando y perfeccionando las habilidades de caza de sus cachorros. “La leopardo Nkoveni y sus dos cachorros caminaban por un claro en la reserva de caza MalaMala. Los cachorros estaban de un humor muy juguetón, como siempre, y seguían a su madre desde una distancia considerable. Cuando llegaron a los matorrales, la  hembra…

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As spring approaches steadily, we can’t help but get enthusiastic about all the upcoming changes in fashion, especially the spring nails we’ve been considering all winter. Not only will we start putting our winter moisturizers away as the sun starts to rear her beautiful face more and more each day, but we can also say hello to bright, fun nails again. This year has been an anomaly so far with colorful nails coming back into fashion as early as February — it seems celebrities such as Megan Fox and Beyoncé have started celebrating spring early in 2022. In 2021, the hottest spring nails included twists on French…

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Sometimes all you want are some straightforward nails with a dash of originality. With that in mind, you should expect to see exactly that on all these nails. Also, these 25 nail designs are great for those that do not like too much going on, with their nails. What is also great about these nail designs is that you can do them yourselves if you want to. These designs are great practice for those that are new at doing nail designs. 1Open Space Swirl and French Tips Instagram / luluxenails A nail design that uses a cute blue-green color, to recreate…

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A female leopard in the MalaMala Game Reserve snatches a young impala lamb and turns this potential meal into a training exercise for her young cubs. 34-year-old field guide Michael Botes was fortunate enough to share his sighting of a female leopard training and honing her young cubs’ hunting skills. “The Nkoveni female leopard and her two female cubs were walking through a clearing on the MalaMala game reserve. The cubs were in a very playful mood, as always, and were following their mother from a fair distance. As they reached the bushline, the Nkoveni female walked towards a small thicket and pulled out…

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Otros nombres para los lagartos shingleƄack (Tiliqua rugosa) incluyen lagarto soñoliento, ƄoƄᴛail, pinecone lizard, Ƅoggi, douƄle-headed lizard y sᴛuмƄly lizard. La piel del ShingleƄack es extremadamente áspera y rugosa, como su nombre lo indica. El color y paᴛᴛern de sus escamas ʋvaria con la región, Ƅuᴛ son comùnmente marrones ᴛo pardo-rojizas, con marcas blancas, amarillas o crema. Su lengua es de color oscuro, ancha y carnosa. Fuente:hᴛᴛps://archaeology24.coм

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Other names for shingleback lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) include sleepy lizard, bobtail, pinecone lizard, boggi, double-headed lizard, and stumbly lizard. The Shingleback’s skin is exceedingly rough and bumpy, as its name implies. The colour and pattern of their scales varies with the region, but they are commonly brown to red-brown, with white, yellow or cream markings. Their tongue is dark blue, broad and fleshy. Source:

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Ten years after, this very lucky man still enjoys morning cuddles with his massive furry friend: a gentle lioness he rescued when she was just a few days old. Ever since, the spend their time together and their inspiring and unique bond shows the world that love is the language we all speak, humans and animals alike! Recently, the conservationist Valentin Gruener, shared a video to show everyone his lioness friend’s reaction when she sees him in the morning. The heartwarming footage went viral online, and it’s easy to see why! “Sirga thinks of me as a best friend. She…

Read More In their first game since Steph Curry returned to the sidelines with an injury, the Golden State Warriors crushed the Oklahoma City Thunder 141-114 at Chase Center on Monday night, dominating on both ends of the court. Here are three key reaction from an impressive Warriors victory, one that makes them 7-2 in their last nine outings without Curry. Klay Thompson, flame-throwing Who needs the reigning Finals MVP when the other Splash Brother is raining threes? The Warriors, obviously, but Thompson’s vintage scoring outburst is a reminder of just how dangerous the defending champs can be at their best—and…

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