
2,500-Year-Old Royal Tomb Complex with Horse Burial Pit Unearthed in China

In a massive complex that contains about 200 other cemetery sites, archaeologists from China have discovered an intricate, 2,500-year-old tomb in Luoyong City, Henan Province. The tomb, which is thought to store the remains of a former royal family, could provide information about a little-known country in Chinese history.

The large tomb, which measures 21 feet (6.5m) long, 17 feet (5m) wide, and 28 feet (8.5m) deep, was found to contain copper bells, ceremonial pots, and a burial pit containing six chariots and 13 complete horse skeletons. The horses were lined up on their sides with decorative items placed on top of them. In a corner of the pit, archaeologists found numerous cow and sheep heads and hooves. The size and contents of the tomb, which far exceeds that of the surrounding tombs, suggests that it is the resting place of a royal family.

Decorations found on the horses

Experts believe the burial site is ᴀssociated with the little-known kingdom, called Lukun, which only lasted 113 years between 638 BC and 525 BC. The kingdom was composed of members of the Rong, a vague term for ‘warlike foreigner’, which refers to an ethnic minority which came from the northwestern edge of what was then China and also the transition zone between the agricultural and steppe ways of life. It is hoped that the tomb will shed more light on this period in Chinese history of which little information exists in historic texts.

The newly-discovered tomb in Luoyong city

“Experts believe that the burial showed evidence of the Luhun people’s migration,” reports. “The Rong people, an ethnic minority group who made up the population of the kingdom, had a tradition of burying the cattle parts in the horse burial pits, which was not seen in other burial sites of the same period.”

“However, the designs of the objects that were buried also showed the stylistic influence from the surrounding regions during the Spring Autumn period (722 BC to 481 BC),” the MailOnline adds. “This showed that the country had absorbed influences from its surroundings and combined them with its own traditions.”

Excavations at the tomb complex first began in 2009, following a string of grave robberies in the area. Initial investigations revealed around 200 tombs, eight horse pits, 30 storage pits, and 10 kilns. The discovery of the apparent ‘royal tomb’ was one of the more recent findings. Although there were signs of grave robbery, the interior of the tomb had remain protected by plaster.


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