
According to the Pentagon’s UFO section, “off-world vehicles” that are “not created on our Earth” have been discovered.

In the UFO and extraterrestrial community, disclosure has long been one of, if not the most, often discussed subjects.

Now that it’s occurring in front of our eyes, most of us appear unaware of how serious the situation truly is.

Speaking out regarding retrievals from “off-world vehicles not manufactured on this earth,” the Pentagon’s U.F.O. program consultant.

According to Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who has worked as a subcontractor, consultant, and employee for the Pentagon’s UFO program since 2007, he last briefed a Defense Department department in March on the purported “off-world” vehicles. In October of last year, he also briefed staffers of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee in a classified manner on the retrieval of unexplained object cases.Instead, in a moment of coronavirus frenzy, it has mostly been ignored as an afterthought.

The briefing’s main focus was on “off-world vehicles not built on this Earth,” according to Davis.

Davis, who worked for years as a consultant for the Pentagon’s UFO program and is now a military contractor, has therefore publicly revealed the truth: spacecraft, sometimes known as UFOs, are real, and it is possible that we have known about them for a very long time.

In certain instances, according to Davis, he was unable to identify the origin of the retrieved components, which led him to the conclusion that “We couldn’t produce it ourselves.”

“No Longer Has to Hide in the Shadows” UFO programAccording to a source from, Davis’s shocking statement appeared in the most recent UFO story from the New York Times, which has dominated the subject for the previous few years.

The Pentagon’s alleged 2012 termination of its UFO investigation program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, was revealed in a study in December 2017.

It sent the same message as the most recent one, that is, that UFOs are genuine and they are not from this Earth as many doubters have claimed, and was hailed as a “historical inflection moment in our attitudes about UFOs.”

The Times reported that investigations into encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles continue under a renamed program, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, despite the Pentagon’s claim that it disbanded a program to look into UFOs. Despite not being classified, the show deals with sensitive topics.

The initiative sought to “standardize gathering and reporting” on observations of mysterious aerial aircraft, according to a Senate committee report from last month. Following the passage of the intelligence authorization act, the program was required to reveal at least part of its results to the public.

According to former head of its predecessor program Luis Elizondo, it is now entering a brand-new period of “transparency.”

It’s no longer necessary for it to remain hidden, he added.

It is now required to provide more findings as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force.

Will the Task Force ever provide tangible evidence?

While the majority of people are still processing the news, it is now time to brace yourself for Round Two: when more and more discoveries are made public, it is anticipated that further announcements and reports will be issued in the upcoming weeks, months, and years.

The key question is whether tangible proof will be offered, such as a real vessel, or even even relics or equipment from other planets, spacecraft, or even actual aliens.

Elizondo, who assumed control of the Defense Department’s UFO program in 2010, is “among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who, without presenting physical proof, say they are convinced that objects of unknown origin have crashed on earth with materials recovered for study.”

According to the Times, the initiative was established roughly ten years ago with a $22 million budget. It was formerly known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which stands for Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program.

Former military intelligence official and program director Luis Elizondo, who left the Pentagon program in October 2017 after ten years with it, expressed his conviction that unidentified flying objects had landed on earth and left behind items that may be studied. A number of former government officials, scientists, and security personnel all hold the same opinion as Elizondo, despite the fact that none of them can provide tangible evidence.Investigation of risks posed by flying foreign weapons, whether those being used and created right now or those that might be in development within the next 40 years, was its original goal. There is a good likelihood that throughout this procedure, the most important UFO-related find in contemporary American history was made.

In addition, former Senate majority leader Harry Reid stated that he “believed collisions of objects of unknown origin have happened” and that any recovered items should be investigated.

Davis, who previously authored a study encouraging the federal government to investigate time travel via wormholes, claimed to have carefully read the materials.

According to the NYMag account, he came to the sobering realization that “We couldn’t create (the allegedly extraterrestrial alien spaceships) ourselves.”




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