
Pavlopetri, the oldest submerged city in the world, and the Ancient Secrets of the Mediterranean

Pavlopetri (also known as “Paulopetri”) is an islet situated off the coast of Laconia in the southern Peloponnese, where the rich history of the ancient world merges with the breathtaking blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

This lovely place, which remains almost completely unknown to the majority of people, hides one of the most amazing stories in Greek history since it is the oldest ancient Greek city that has ever been discovered underwater.

Its name, which literally translates to “Paul’s Stone,” is directly related to St. Peter and St. Paul, the two greatest Christian apostles and martyrs, who traveled far and wide spreading Christianity during the first century AD.

Tàn tích dưới nước của thành phố cổ Pavlopetri kết hợp với các cột và tường được tái tạo bằng kỹ thuật số. Ảnh: Pavlopetri Underwater Archaeology Project

The city’s long history, however, stretches nearly five thousand years back into antiquity since the broader region was known to have been inhabited during the earliest years of Greek history.

Discovered in 1967 by Nicholas Flemming, this ancient Greek town is now the oldest underwater “lost city” in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the oldest such cities anywhere on the globe.

These violent seismic events, which led to the city never being able to re-emerge from the bottom of the sea, played a crucial role in maintaining its original characteristics.

Untouched by human intervention, its secrets have remained unknown for thousands of years.

Discover Pavlopetri, the Underwater Ancient Greek City (Video)

This Bronze Age city might even have inspired one of the world’s most enduring myths—the tale of Atlantis.

UNESCO warns, however, that Pavlopetri is threatened by pollution, damage caused by ships anchoring, looting, and pillaging, as well as infrastructure construction projects such as pipelines and power plants.

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