Archaeology Mystery

Unearthing History: Boy Stumbles Upon Astonishing 30,000-year-old Mammoth Carcass.

An almost fully preserved carcass of a giant mammoth was accidentally discovered in northern Russia by 11-year-old Yevgeny Salinder.

The Moscow News reported that what was left at the scene showed that this was the carcass of a 15-year-old male mammoth that died about 30,000 years ago and weighed about 1 ton.

The mammoth was found near where the boy lived – Northern RussiaThe animal carcass that the boy discovered was almost intact with meat, hair, bones, fat layer, tusks, even a penis.This mammoth was named Zhenya after a boy’s nickname.With a relatively intact skeleton, this can be considered one of the most complete remains of the mammoths since they were found in Siberia in a frozen state in 1929.

The elephant’s carcass is about 1 ton, with almost all meat and tusks intact.According to Alexei Tikhonov, a mammoth expert at the Russian Academy of Sciences, the last case of an intact mammoth carcass was discovered in 1901 in the Krasnoyarsk region, southern Russia.The local government said the 30,000-year-old elephant carcass will become an exhibit at an exhibition in the Taimir region museum and will be presented by Russian scientists from the Moscow and St. Petersburg research.

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