
Massive UFO Over a Village in the Altai Republic

An unidentified flying object of huge size hit the lens of a video camera in Gorny Altai. This was reported in the Instagram community Barnaul.Insta. A mysterious, giant UFO was noticed by eyewitnesses on the way to the village of Ust-Koksa in Russia.

“There was some crap hanging here… big crap. What it is is not clear. Clouds are definitely not like that, and why is it alone at the top? — the author of the video is perplexed.

The video caused a heated discussion among the subscribers of the community. In the comments, users suggested that the Avengers aircraft carrier was captured on the video.

At first glance, this seems to be just such a strange cloud. However, it seemed to materialize out of nowhere and, having made a couple of turns, disappeared into nowhere.

Perhaps some kind of transport platform appeared in Altai, which they began to see quite often. And since it becomes possible to photograph “alien ships” closely, then we are talking about some kind of portal, or about a new type of ship. Because ufologists have not yet seen such large triangles. It could have been a pyramid, but the blur made it impossible to see its edges.

Naturally, as always in such cases, the question arises – why is a giant UFO flying here? Who flies here? Are we seeing prophetic warnings about visitors from outer space?

Perhaps people have no other choice but to reconcile, since the level of technology between people and the “aliens” is not comparable.



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