
NASA Attempts to Disguise a Giant 3-MILE UFO By Calling It a Meteor – It was spotted above the Bering Sea

Many of us think of inter-spatial portals as science fiction, yet NASA claims to have found evidence of portals that allow humans to travel to remote areas of our solar system.

NASA says meteor, alien researcher says UFO: Mystery continues over Bering  Sea incident - IBTimes India

“We call them X-points or electron-diffusion zones,” explains University of Iowa physicist Jack Scudder.

Despite their looks, these portals are founded on actual science. The X points are really “doorways” into space and time, with a magnetic field linking all cosmic bodies.

They were named “X Points” rather than “wormholes” to avoid attracting too much attention to them.

NASA and other space organizations are now experimenting with transferring material things via these portals; thus yet, only energy particles have been transmitted through these portals.

The Magnetospheric Multiscale expedition will return high-resolution photographs of these strange gateways in the near future.

Many of us think of inter-spatial portals as science fiction, yet NASA claims to have found evidence of portals that allow humans to travel to remote areas of our solar system. “We call them X-points or electron-diffusion zones,” explains University of Iowa physicist Jack Scudder. Despite their looks, these portals are founded on actual science.…


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