
Bones of woolly mammoth from 10,000 years ago found under Pembroke Castle

BONES of a woolly mammoth from 10,000 years ago have been found in a cave under a castle.

Archaeologists will now carry out a further excavation of the prehistoric limestone cavern.

Bones of a woolly mammoth from 10,000 years ago have been found in a cave under Pembroke Castle in Wales
Bones of a woolly mammoth from 10,000 years ago have been found in a cave under Pembroke Castle in WalesCredit: WNS
Archaeologists will now carry out a further excavation of the prehistoric limestone cavern
Archaeologists will now carry out a further excavation of the prehistoric limestone cavernCredit: WNS
Archaeologists hope to find further evidence of how the site was used by early humans and animals in the Ice Age
Archaeologists hope to find further evidence of how the site was used by early humans and animals in the Ice AgeCredit: WNS

They hope to find further evidence of how the site was used by early humans and animals in the Ice Age.

The hollow — called Wogan Cavern — is beneath Pembroke Castle, west Wales. The fort, on the Pembroke river, was built in 1093 and rebuilt a century later.

The first Tudor king, Henry VII, was born there in 1457.

Scientists say a preliminary search of the cave last year found reindeer and a woolly mammoth’s bones — showing it was likely an important place for the Mesolithic period.

Dig co-lead Dr Rob Dinnis, of the University of Aberdeen, said it had been assumed the cave was probably dug out during Medieval times when it formed part of the castle.

He added: “It is now clear the cave has real potential as an early prehistoric site.”

The dig will be funded by the Natural History Museum and the British Cave Research Association.

Henry VII, the first Tudor king, was born at the castle in 1457
Henry VII, the first Tudor king, was born at the castle in 1457Credit: WNS
Scientists say a preliminary search of the cave last year found reindeer and a woolly mammoth’s bones
Scientists say a preliminary search of the cave last year found reindeer and a woolly mammoth’s bonesCredit: Getty


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