
Intimate Photo Series Captures The Miracle Of Childbirth And The Priceless First Moments Of Life

If you see photos of mothers with children, then, as a rule, these are beautiful and insanely charming shots. Leilani Rogers, on the other hand, shows the other side of pregnancy in her photographs, showing all that mothers have to go through in order for another miracle to be born.

The 40-year-old photographer from Texas started her project of photographing breastfeeding and giving birth. During this time, she managed to document the lives of more than 60 mothers.

We invite you to read some of her candid works below. Attention, some people may find these photos unpleasant and offensive.

Lelinie Rogers was able to capture births in various places, including at home, the hospital, and even in water

She filmed women giving birth not only in different places, but also in poses

In his works, Lelini Rogers does not embellish anything and shows childbirth as it is.

Be that as it may, at the heart of her photographs is always love.


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