
9-year-old boy is the mother’s greatest support during labor and delivery.

In these rather challenging times, few things manage to move us. This image of a child accompanying his mother during labor is one of them.

Last year, when Hollie Lou, a woman from Ohio, United States, gave birth to her third child, she required the assistance and emotional support of others. Charlie, her nine-year-old son, never left his mother’s side and assisted her throughout labor. Even during the birth, he assisted the attending physicians.


Hollie claims that she never once asked her son to be present during the birth; rather, he volunteered. Rarely do boys have the opportunity to engage in such activities. Birth and lactation are natural processes, so when my sons asked me to be present during my delivery, I consented. I didn’t want them to lose out on the learning opportunities that come with having a newborn,” said Hollie, who also has a son two years younger than Charlie.



The mother states that she primed the child for this occasion by showing him various birthing materials. Charlie attended a class on maternity preparation, which helped him comprehend what his mother’s body experiences during labor. In essence, Charlie assumed the role of a doula, serving as a true support for both his mother and his newborn sibling.


Although it is understandable that a 9-year-old cannot have professional training or hands-on experience in childbirth assistance, Hollie’s eldest son’s mental support helped her get through the most difficult labor stages.




Hollie said that having Charlie present during the most difficult part of her labor gave her the fortitude to overcome her doubts. “His soothing contact between contractions was so gentle and centered me, allowing me to regain my concentration. Both of our sons spent considerable time preparing for supporting roles. Charlie assumed the role with ease. My sons requested a mini-class on childbirth education, which I taught to mentally prepare them for witnessing a birth. Having my closest loved ones urge me on during the toughest thing I’ve ever done was precisely what I needed to get through it. His presence reminded me that I had accomplished this before and could do so again.”


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