
A Bizzare Humanoid-Faced Baby Goats Was Born With a Unique Appendage In Malaysia and Seen As The Son Of God

A farmer has spoken of his shock after he found a newborn goat had the face of a human baby.

Mystery over 'mythical' goat 'born with the face of a human baby' - Mirror  Online

Ibrahim Basir shared pictures of what people have claimed is a fawn – the mythical fusion of goat and human – after it was born in the village of Felda in southern Malaysia.

The kid did not last long after its birth and its carcass has now been handed over to the Veterinary Services Department.

Villagers offered Mr Basir, 63, money for the carcass, but instead, he decided to hand it over to the experts to enable them to carry out an investigation on the strange-looking kid.

The strange-looking baby has been handed over to the Veterinary Services Department for investigation (Image: CEN)

Ibrahim told local media he was initially shocked when he found out that one of his goats had given birth to a kid that had the features of a human baby.

He said he was earlier informed by one of his farmworkers, Jamaludin Abdul Samad, 50, that some parts of the baby goat looked like a human infant.

Baby goat born with human-like face being worshiped as 'avatar of God'-  Watch viral video | viral News | Zee News

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He said: “When I went to check, I was quite shocked but fascinated too as its face, nose, short legs and even the condition of its soft body seemed like that of a human baby, whereas the light brown fur covering its whole body resembles that of a goat.”

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