Bird of paradise is also known by other names such as galaxy bird, seo flag bird, sun bird. This bird has dozens of different branches and has an impressive appearance.
Birds of paradise are distributed mainly in eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. ytimg’s photo.
Possessing beautiful colorful plumage, the bird of paradise is known as the most beautiful bird in the world . ytimg’s photo.
During mating season, this colorful and seductive plumage is used by male birds of paradise to court females. Wikipedia photo.
Besides, at this time, male birds of paradise are always singing to show off their talents and to attract the attention of female birds. Photo worldlifeexpectancy.
Birds of paradise have dozens of different branches and all have an impressive appearance. Trekearth’s photo.
The bird of paradise is one of the oldest songbirds. Photo hdwallpapers
Birds of paradise live in tropical forests, including rainforests, swamp forests and moss forests, so it is difficult to see this bird. Kidsbiology photo.