
Tassili Rock Paintings- Pictures Of Aliens Engraved On 17,000 Year Old Caves In The Sahara

Mysterious engravings on rocks and caves always lead to baffling questions and turn out to be really brainstorming. Were the ancient humans really in touch with the extraterrestrials or some advanced human civilization? Whenever researchers come across paintings of strange humanoids, all we can do is ponder upon the thought that what exactly did the ancient humans witness. Did they see an advanced civilization from other planets? Did they see the “ancient astronauts” descending to Earth?

Tassili Rock Paintings

In this write-up, we will speak of Tassili n’Ajjer, which is a group of red and black rocks located in the middle of the Sahara desert in the southeast of Algeria. Interestingly, traces of approximately 15,000 paintings that are around 7,000 years old have been found. These magnificent rock paintings are classic examples of rock art. In 1956, when French explorer Henry Lhote found strange paintings of humanoids with round heads and huge bodies, he didn’t know what to call them, however, he ended up calling them “alien-type paintings.” Well, the obvious reasons behind the name of the paintings are the strange humanoids with huge heads.

Table of Contents

Cave Paintings of Tassali Was Ancient Civilization In Contact With The Extraterrestrials? Opinions Of Researchers and Archaeologists Tales Of Alien Abductions In The Past Cave Paintings of Tassali

The Tassili cave paintings are undeniable evidence that the ancient humans may have had a visit from aliens in the past, possibly on the Tassili plateau in southern Algeria, in the dry Sahara desert. It has been asserted by experts that the caves of Tassili n’Ajjer possess the most significant collection of rock art known. There are tens of thousands of paintings, but only 20% of them are thought to still be there because erosion has destroyed the rest.

Tassili Rock Paintings

In certain paintings, the portraits of humanoids wearing weird suits can be seen easily, could it possibly be the depiction of modern-day astronauts? How come people from approximately 700 decades ago were familiar with the concept of astronauts?

In the painting above, it is believed that it is a tribute to the Great God of Sephar, one of the most impressive images of Tassili. In the center, a huge faceless figure of more than three meters and next to another being with a kind of helmet. The inhabitants of the Tassali worshipped “Jabbaren” (The Great Martian God). Jabbaren means giants and it could be easily depicted in the images that certain beings were exceptionally huge than the rest. Tassili is a huge stone island located in the middle of the Sahara, and these primitive stones served as murals to the ancient human civilization who drew these mysterious creatures.

Tassili Rock Paintings

The drawing of the two men dressed like modern astronauts that was painted in the Stone Age in Algeria’s Tassili N’Ajer desert in the stone age raised many questions and can be interpreted in different ways.

Was Ancient Civilization In Contact With The Extraterrestrials?

The Tassili rock art is one of the best hints that extraterrestrials were present on Earth in the past. Lastly, how could the ancient civilization on Earth draw things they didn’t know? “The most significant collection of rock art in the world” is said to be in the Tassili. It is believed by certain scientists and researchers that the paintings are between 10,000 and 17,000 years old.

Tassili Rock Paintings

Back in that era, all the other caves were only painted with one color, but the Tassili artists used many different colors. Most of the images shown are of animals, like giraffes, ostriches, elephants, oxen, alligators, and even hippos. This shows that there used to be a lot of life in that part of the Sahara. Ancient artists were inspired to paint sequences of everyday life, mostly of animals, in their caves.

Given the fact that the civilization was used to depict everyday happening, and assuming that the humanoids they had drawn on the stones are not some fabricated creatures, then who are they really? What are those humanoid figures with strange helmets on their heads and tubes on their backs that are floating on the curved walls of the caverns? What are those figures that resemble humans but have gloves, boots, and sometimes antennae?

Opinions Of Researchers and Archaeologists

Alexei Kazantsev who is a Soviet archaeologist, and one of the researchers who had visited the Tassili asserted that:

“Pre-History men represented cosmonauts! It is increasingly likely that aliens have visited Earth in ancient times.”

Kazantsev went to Tassili in 1962 and shared pictures of what he called “the Tassili Martians” with the rest of the world. In September 1976, a group of Spanish scientists managed to cross the Sahara, which was hard, to learn more about the Tassili caves. Even though they got there during a war with Morocco and almost got lost in a sandstorm, the team ended up taking the best pictures of the caves. At least 10,000 years ago, a civilization grew up where a large part of the Sahara desert is now. They left behind a large number of strangely beautiful cave paintings.

Tales Of Alien Abductions In The Past

A book titled, “The Gods of Tassili: Astronauts in the Stone Age” was published and the authors had referred to a painting where in, there were 4 different women- an adolescent, a pregnant woman, a lactating mother, and a growing young girl. All those four women were being dragged by a semi-human figurine towards something which is expected to be a spaceship tied by a cord.

The authors stated that the supposed alien captured four women from Earth and experimented on their genes. The bold idea didn’t get any support. But the three authors were influenced by the ideas of Russian researchers who were of the opinion that the Gods of the stars reached Tassili, as shown by a painting of a famous Martian god with a head that looks like an astronaut’s helmet. The paintings in the Tassili caves show that people in the past may have had help from extraterrestrials.

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