
In “Time Traveler,” a meteorite containing extraterrestrial life is predicted to strike Earth soon

A supposed “time traveler” warned that a meteorite, with extraterrestrial life, would hit Earth in the next few days. It’s about the tiktoker, also known as “Eno Alric” or “theradianttimetraveler”

Eno Alric assured that everything he says is real and he only warns people about what will happen, so that they are warned. He reiterated being a “time traveler from the year 2671.”

He assured that, between November 2022 and May 2023, humans will discover planets and there will also be a catastrophic tsunami.

In the video posted to  TikTok , he said, “Attention! Yes, I am a true time traveler from the year 2671, remember these five dates that are coming.

He claimed that on November 30, 2022, the James Webb Telescope will find a planet that is a mirrored version of Earth.

He also warned that on December 8 a large meteorite will hit Earth containing new types of metals and extraterrestrial species.

Other dates and events By February 6, 2023, he said a group of four teenagers is expected to discover ancient ruins and a device that opens a wormhole to other galaxies.

On March 23, 2023, according to him, a team of scientists exploring the Mariana Trench will find ancient species and by May 15, a tsunami will hit the west coast of the United States, mainly San Francisco. What’s your opinion about it?

Time traveler assures that a meteorite will bring alien life to Earth…


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